


  • url: string
  • queryParams: Record<string, any>
  • fetchOptions: RequestInit = {}
  • dataOptions: DataHookOptions

To learn more about what dataOptions can be passed, go here.

Example usage:

const { data, error, loading, refetch } = useData(
// the url string of the endpoint we will send request to
// Object of query params, will be appended to your url
someQueryParam: 'value',
// Any options that you normally pass to `fetch()`
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'x-custom-header': 'myheadervalue',
// dataOptions object. Used to configure some behaviors.
ssr: true,

The response from the REST endpoint will be parsed as JSON, and will throw an error if it is not a valid JSON. The response will be available in the data variable.

The returned value of useData() are:

  1. data: any

    The JSON response from the endpoint

  2. loading: boolean

    A boolean value that determine whether a request is currently in-flight

  3. error: Error | null

    The Error object, if any error happened during the network request. null if no error happened.

  4. refetch: () => Promise<any>

    A function that will trigger refetching data from network. Fetching data from network this way will always bypass the cache, no matter what the fetchPolicy is set to.

Supported methods

Only GET requests are supported for useData(). Supporting other methods is not in the plan because it can be dangerous to re-request a non-idempotent request on component state update.

Last updated on 1/31/2020 by Jacky Efendi