
react-isomorphic-data provide helper function to inject <link rel="prefetch"> tags in to the server-side rendered HTML. This is done to give hints to the browser that the particular resource should be prefetched. Prefetched resources have a very low priority and will only be run when the browser is idle. Prefetching resources could improve performance because when the resource is requested, it might already be ready in the prefetch cache. More about prefetch here.

In general, you should prefetch data that you think will be needed later by the page, but not on the initial load.


First, make sure you have are setting dataOptions.prefetch to true for some of your data.

const [fetchData, lazyData] = useLazyData(
fetchPolicy: 'cache-first',
ssr: false,
prefetch: true,

Then, in your server side rendering code, you can createPrefetchTags from the dataClient after you have done renderToStringWithData or getDataFromTree. Finally, put the prefetchTags into the <head> of your HTML response.

(shortened example)

import { renderToStringWithData, createPrefetchTags } from 'react-isomorphic-data/ssr';
server.get('/*', async (req, res) => {
const dataClient = createDataClient({
initialCache: {},
ssr: true, // set this to true on server side
const tree = (
<DataProvider client={dataClient}>
<App />
let markup;
try {
markup = await renderToStringWithData(tree);
} catch (err) {
console.error('An error happened during server side rendering!');
const prefetchTags = createPrefetchTags(dataClient);
<div id="root">${markup}</div>


Setting prefetch to true for data that are going to be requested during SSR (i. e.: not lazy and has ssr set to true) can be detrimental. This is because the data would already be ready in the react-isomorphic-data cache upon doing client-side hydration, so prefetching it again is an unnecessary extra network request.

Last updated on 3/21/2020 by Jacky Efendi