Writing Tests

react-isomorphic-data provides some utilities for writing tests for your React component. These utilies are published to @react-isomorphic-data/testing package.


yarn add -D @react-isomorphic-data/testing


@react-isomorphic-data/testing currently only has one export, <MockedProvider>. Simply wrap your component inside <MockedProvider> in your tests.

import React from 'react';
import { MockedProvider } from '@react-isomorphic-data/testing';
import SearchInput from '../SearchInput';
test('that everything works', async () => {
const mocks = [/* an array of your MockData here */];
const { container } = render(
<MockedProvider mocks={mocks}>
<SearchInput />

A MockData is just an object with request and response key. An example of a MockData is as follow:

const aMock = {
request: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api',
queryParams: { // queryParams should be just 1 level-deep-object. It is optional. You can omit it.
q: 'qweqwe',
response: {
message: 'This is a mocked API response for http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api?q=qweqwe',

If you would like to mock an error response from the server, simply pass an Error instance as the response like so:

const errorMock = {
request: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api',
queryParams: {
q: 'qweqwe',
response: new Error('an error occured!'),

โš ๏ธ NOTE: Eventhough fetch can accept a Request object as the first argument, testing with MockedProvider will only work when you pass an url string as the first argument to your hooks/HOCs.


Let's say we have this <SearchInput> component that use useData hook, and will fetch data based on the input value.

import * as React from 'react';
import { useData } from 'react-isomorphic-data';
const SearchInput = () => {
const [searchText, setSearchText] = React.useState('');
const {
} = useData('http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api', {
q: searchText,
return (
<div data-testid="container">
<input type="text" data-testid="search-input" onChange={(e) => setSearchText(e.target.value)} />
{data ? <pre data-testid="data">{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre> : null}
{loading ? 'loading...' : null}
{error ? <div data-testid="error">{error.message}</div> : null}
export default SearchInput;

This is how we might write our test (with @testing-library/react) for it:

import React from 'react';
import { MockedProvider } from '@react-isomorphic-data/testing';
import {
} from '@testing-library/react';
import SearchInput from '../SearchInput';
test('data loads, renders and updates correctly', async () => {
const mocks = [
request: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api',
queryParams: {
q: '',
response: {
message: 'empty input',
someRandomNumber: 123,
request: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api',
queryParams: {
q: 'foobar',
response: {
message: 'foobar input',
someRandomNumber: 345,
request: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api',
queryParams: {
q: 'will-error',
response: new Error('an error occured!'),
const { container, getByTestId, debug } = render(
<MockedProvider mocks={mocks}>
<SearchInput />
// The `loading...` string is rendered inside the container
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).not.toBeNull();
// Wait for the mock data to be "fetched"
await wait();
// It's no longer loading, so the text is gone
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).toBeNull();
// The first mock data is displayed
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'data')?.innerHTML).toContain('123');
// Update the input value to trigger re-fetch with different query param
act(() => {
const inputNode = getByTestId('search-input');
fireEvent.change(inputNode, { target: { value: 'foobar' } });
// Now, it is loading again...
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).not.toBeNull();
// So, no data is rendered
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'data')).toBeNull();
// Wait for the mock data to be "fetched"
await wait();
// It is not loading anymore
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).toBeNull();
// Now, the second mock data is rendered
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'data')?.innerHTML).toContain('345');
act(() => {
const inputNode = getByTestId('search-input');
// Triggering request to "http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api?q=will-error
// which will have a mocked error response
fireEvent.change(inputNode, { target: { value: 'will-error' } });
// Now it is loading again...
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).not.toBeNull();
// So, no data is rendered
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'data')).toBeNull();
// Wait for the mock data to be "fetched"
await wait();
// It is not loading anymore
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).toBeNull();
// No data is rendered
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'data')).toBeNull();
// The error message is rendered
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'error')).not.toBeNull();
// Assert that the error message is same as our mocked error response
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'error')?.innerHTML).toContain('an error occured!');

Output: ๐ŸŽ‰

PASS src/components/__tests__/SearchInput.test.tsx
โœ“ data loads, renders and updates correctly (32ms)
Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests: 1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 0.558s, estimated 1s
Ran all test suites.
Watch Usage: Press w to show more.

The comments inside the code snippet should be pretty self-explanatory. Hopefully this short guide will help you on how to write tests with react-isomorphic-data!

Example #2 - Testing Lazy Data

Let's look at another example. Imagine we have a <Button> component that will only fetch data once it is clicked.

import * as React from 'react';
import { useLazyData } from 'react-isomorphic-data';
const Button = () => {
const [triggerLoad, { data, error, loading }] = useLazyData(
return (
<div data-testid="container">
<button data-testid="button" onClick={() => triggerLoad()}>
Click me
{data ? (
<pre data-testid="data">{JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)}</pre>
) : null}
{loading ? 'loading...' : null}
{error ? <div data-testid="error">{error.message}</div> : null}
export default Button;

This is how the test might look like:

import React from 'react';
import { MockedProvider } from '@react-isomorphic-data/testing';
import {
} from '@testing-library/react';
import Button from '../index';
test('data loads on click correctly', async () => {
const mocks = [
request: {
url: 'http://localhost:3000/some-rest-api',
response: {
message: 'why did you click the button',
someRandomNumber: 123,
const { container, getByTestId, debug } = render(
<MockedProvider mocks={mocks}>
<Button />
// No `loading...` string, because the load is not triggered yet.
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).toBeNull();
// Now, we trigger a click on the button
act(() => {
const button = getByTestId('button');
// It should show `loading...` string now.
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).not.toBeNull();
// Wait for the mock data to be "fetched"
await wait();
// It's no longer loading, so the text is gone
expect(queryByText(container, 'loading...')).toBeNull();
// The mock data is now displayed
expect(queryByTestId(container, 'data')?.innerHTML).toContain('why did you click the button');

Output: ๐ŸŽ‰

PASS src/components/SearchInput/__tests__/SearchInput.test.tsx
PASS src/components/Button/__tests__/Button.test.tsx
Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests: 2 passed, 2 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 1.869s
Ran all test suites.
Watch Usage: Press w to show more.

Testing non-GET data

Because non-GET data are not cached, react-isomorphic-data does not have a way to automatically support this. For now, the recommendation is to assert whether the event handler (like onClick, onScroll, etc.) is invoked/called already.


Testing is a field that I still have a lot to learn about. The current MockedProvider implementation might fail badly in your case. Feel free open an issue on the repo and I will see if I can help you.

Last updated on 1/31/2020 by Jacky Efendi